The number of plate making for composite plastic bags needs to be determined based on the color and size of the bags. The following are the basic rules for plate making:
制版数量 :
Number of plate making:
A color usually requires one version.
If the bag has five colors, then five versions are required.
版费计算 :
Version fee calculation:
The plate fee is usually charged based on the number of plates made.
The more colors there are, the higher the plate fee.
尺寸考虑 :
Size considerations:
For OPP plastic bags, the circumference and length of the bag are considered during plate making.
周长计算公式为:周长 = 2 × (长度 + 宽度)。
The formula for calculating circumference is: circumference=2 × (length+width).
For a bag with a width of 48cm, the width needs to be considered as 48cm during plate making, and the length should be the actual length of the bag, but the minimum circumference limit is 36cm.
特殊情况 :
exceptional case:
If both sides of the bag have printing, the plate fee calculation needs to consider multiplying the width of the bag by 2.
For complex patterns such as portraits, only 4 CMYK printing plates may be required, but for large color blocks, spot color plates may also be needed.
错误制版 :
Incorrect plate making:
If errors are found in the pattern or text after plate making, a new plate needs to be made.
A fee will be charged for each version change.
The cost and quantity of plate making may vary depending on the specific situation. It is recommended to carefully determine the pattern and text before printing to avoid additional costs caused by plate making errors.
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